Here’s our Dolphin Oasis Z5i robotic pool cleaner 2023 review–check it out to discover what makes it such a fantastic machine!
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The advanced features of the Dolphin Oasis Z5i take pool maintenance to the next level. Pools are supposed to be a way to relax with family, friends, and acquaintances. Robots made by Maytronics allow people to do just that. The company is laser-focused on helping fun-loving families everywhere get the maximum amount of enjoyment from their pools.

For almost four decades, the company’s exceptional pool-cleaning devices have pushed the limits of what’s possible. Maytronics continues to release brand-new bots with cutting-edge features that reduce the effort you expend on pool upkeep to almost zero.

- Gets pools sparkling clean in 2.5 hours;
- Excellent suction power;
- Extra-large collection canister;
- Operational cost of five cents per hour;
- Easy to load filter cartridges;
- Ideal for in-ground pools up to 50 feet.
Who’s the Dolphin Oasis Z5i For
If your backyard looks more like a lush nature sanctuary than a residential property because of all the trees you have growing in it, that’s great! You’re creating more oxygen for all of us to breathe, thus reducing everyone’s carbon footprint. However, part of the botanical waste coming off the trees in the form of leaves is going to end up in your watery oasis (otherwise known as a swimming pool).
You need the Dolphin Oasis Z5i to clean it all up!
Free-floating junk can plug up your pool’s dedicated filtration system, sabotaging its effectiveness. It’s also a breeding ground for pathogens that can make you deathly ill.

If you live in the US desert Southwest, you know how nasty monsoon season can be. For a few months each summer, rain pours ceaselessly from the sky as Nature reveals her savage fury. Bolts of zig-zagging lightning burst forth from the heavens, and bellowing gusts of wind kick up massive dust clouds.
Devastating meteorological events like monsoons can deposit enormous amounts of dirt, sand, and leaves into your pool. Thanks to the Dolphin Oasis Z5i, you’ll be able to clean up all this debris quickly and effortlessly.
Just set the bot loose in your pool, and it’ll be swim ready the next day!

The Dolphin Oasis Z5i is one of the best models Maytronics ever dreamed up. While it’s not the cheapest pool-cleaning droid on the market, state-of-the-art features make it worth every penny.
The best part about buying this labor-saving device is you won’t have to do manual brushing anymore. With one of these handy-dandy bots to do your bidding, you’ll be able to get back to doing what truly matters: spending quality time with friends and family.
This superb underwater cleaning machine takes all the hassles out of pool maintenance. That way, you can surrender to the luxurious feeling of total relaxation instead of working up a sweat scooping icky gunk from your pool.
How do you want to spend your summers?

Easy To Use
The Oasis Z5i doesn’t require much setup. Simply plug it in, drop it in, and press a single button. While there are lots of advanced technological features under the hood, the user interface couldn’t be simpler. Then, stroll away as it goes to town, cleaning every nook, cranny, and crevice of your pool.
It’s convenient to the nth degree!
Superior Cleaning Ability
Before it goes to work, the Dolphin Oasis Z5i uses advanced navigation software to plot the most efficient path through your pool.

This means less wear and tear on the device because it won’t be operating as much. Super sensitive sensors detect your pool dimensions and estimate with precision the amount of time it will take to clean it.
Then, the bot goes to work getting your pool cleaner than it’s probably been in years. Say goodbye to algae-encrusted walls, unsightly gunk, and ugly-looking debris befouling your formerly pristine water!
You’ll be able to immediately see the fantastic cleaning capabilities of this exceptional robot. That’s because it leaves a perfectly clean line every time it makes a pass over your pool bottom.
Exceptional Maneuverability

The soft rubber tracks with powerful surface-gripping treads maintain traction even on slippery vinyl surfaces. Dual drive motors also help the unit to execute precision 360-degree turns. Turning ability is exceptional because each brush rotates independently of the other. This helps ensure that every inch of your pool is cleaned.
The Dolphin Oasis scampers up walls with the greatest of ease. After pausing at the top of the waterline to give it a quick but effective scrubbing, it heads back down to the bottom, ready for the next stage of its journey.
Versatile Filters
The Dolphin Oasis Z5i can use two different filter types — fine and ultra-fine.

The fine filter is excellent for filtering out leaves, twigs, insects, acorns, and other larger debris. The ultra-fine filter will catch microscopic particles like algae, bacteria, and dust particles that have settled on the pool floor.
Switching from one filter to the other takes only a few seconds. All you need to do is to pop open the top hatches on either side of the handle.
Then, remove the cartridges and put in new ones. Cleaning the filters is just as easy. Merely give them a quick spray with a garden hose to remove all the accumulated gunk.
MyDolphin App

The MyDolphin app allows you to schedule weekly cleanings from the palm of your hand. That way, your pool is always clean when you need it to be.
If your trusty little bot missed a spot (unlikely, though still possible), you could use the app to remotely steer the robot to that area. The app also lets you check the unit’s operational status and gives you proactive care tips from wherever in the world you happen to be.
Other Benefits
With an average operating cost of five cents per hour, you’ll save hundreds of dollars over a year. The extra-large debris collection canister means you’ll be emptying the Dolphin Oasis Z5i much less than comparable cleaners.
The unit has a tangle-free swivel. This way, your bot won’t get hopelessly ensnared by its own cord.

The Dolphin Oasis Z5i is a near-perfect machine. However, it does have one problem. Some users complain that it gets hung up on bottom drain vents too frequently. This turns what was supposed to be a 100% automated machine into something you’ve got to watch every single nanosecond.
Final Verdict: Should You Buy the Dolphin Oasis Z5i
The Dolphin Oasis Z5i is a feature-packed robot that’s an absolute beast when it comes to cleaning your pool. Its performance is so impressive, it might be time to give your expensive pool guys their walking papers and get this unit ASAP.

It’ll vigorously scrub all the unsightly algae from your pool bottom, walls, and waterline. It’ll also suck up all the leaves and dead bugs. That way, your pool is crystal clear again. Best of all, it does all this better than most machines on the market.
That’s why we’re wholeheartedly recommending that you buy the Dolphin Oasis Z5i. If you want to know what other highly rated pool cleaning robots we recommend, check out our guide on the subject.

Pool Maintenance Tips & Tricks

Does the Oasis Z5i get hung up on the pool drain vents when the pool pump is running (suctioning) or even when pump is off?