Cleanup Expert News – helpful cleaning tips and tricks

Ozone generators could be hazardous for your health.
Ozone Air Purifiers: Are They Dangerous?
Our informative article will tell you the pros and cons of ozone air purifiers. Read it so you don’t waste your money!
October 22, 2020
Wildfire Smoke
8 Ways To Protect You And Your Family From Wildfire Smoke
Suffering from the toxic effects of wildfire smoke? Read our article, and you’ll find eight ways to protect you and your loved ones so that you stay safe and healthy.
September 29, 2020
Electric Pressure Washer is used to clean the lawnmower
Gas vs Electric Pressure Washers: Which Is Best?
With so many pressure washers to choose from, even deciding between an electric pressure washer and gas pressure washer can be difficult. Thankfully, the Cleanup Expert is here with professional advice to help you make the right decision.
August 23, 2020
Frog near the pool.
12 Ways To Keep Frogs Out Of Your Pool (2023)
Got a frog in your swimming pool? Read our article to find out 12 easy-to-implement tips to keep these amphibians (and the eggs they lay) out of your pool water.
July 13, 2020
A woman has many questions about robot vacuums, just like most of us.
Robot Vacuum Cleaner FAQs
Robot Vacuum Cleaners are evolving at a rapid pace and have indeed become the new necessity for any modern household. Here's a breakdown on some of the most frequently asked questions about these devices
July 10, 2020
Key Mistakes To Avoid And Things To Consider When Using A Steam Mop? Cleanup Expert Advice
Steam mops deliver sparkling clean floors without the need for harsh chemical cleaners. The Cleanup Expert offers comprehensive advice for new and prospective owners about how to use their steam mop most efficiently and effectively.
May 28, 2020